BSNL FTTH Registration and Installation Charges

BSNL FTTH  Registration Charges

Activation/Installation charges :NIL (till 31/03/2019)

ONT Security Deposit *           : Rs.500/- (Refundable)#

ONT Charges (When taken on Rent) in Rs
               A) ONT Charges per month   Rs.90/- 
               B) ONT Charges per Annum Rs.1080/- 

Outright Purchase of A Type ONT MRP Charges in .Rs. 11,999
(Inclusive of VAT/Sales Tax & warranty/AMC up to 5 years) ##

* Security Deposit: A refundable Security Deposit is taken for the ONT Type A which is to be        refunded on return of the ONT in working condition.
 # In case of annual payment option security deposit is completely waived off.
 ## Customers can use their own purchased ONT from market, subject to interoperability with BSNL OLT 

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