Unlimited Voice and Data Plans - BSNL Offer

“Dil Khol ke Bol” @ Rs 349/-
 “Triple Ace”  @ Rs 334/-
“Nehle per dehla” @ Rs 395/-

These 3 Voice/Data STVs  are offered by the BSNL for a period of 90 days w.e.f. 24-04-2017 to 22-07-2017.
STV Details:

“Dil Khol ke Bol” @ Rs 349/-
 Unlimited Voice( local/STD) in home LSA + 2 GB (after 2 GB speed reduced to 80Kbps )
 Validity :28 Days
 SMS Keyword for activation: "STV COMBO349"

“Triple Ace”  @ Rs 334/-
 Unlimited Data( (FUP 3GB/ day,  after 3GB/ day speed reduced to 80 kbps)
 Validity :90 Days
 SMS Keyword for activation: "STV DATA334"

Nehle per dehla” @ Rs 395/-
 [Free 3000 Minutes On net voice (Local/STD)+ Free 1800 Minutes Off net voice (Local/STD), after free minutes call charge @ 20p/min] in Home LSA + 2GB/day(speed reduced to 80 kbps after 2GB/ day)
 Validity :71Days
 SMS Keyword for activation: "STV COMBO395"

Voice STV 339
[Unlimited local/STD BSNL to BSNL+ Local/STD BSNL to Others : 25 Minutes per day and 25 P/min after 25 Minutes per day] in Home LSA + Unlimited Data ( with FUP 3GB/day with no Speed restriction & thereafter with speed restriction of 80KBPS)
Validity :28Days
SMS Keyword for activation: "STV COMBO339"

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