Smart Light Pole BTS- how They Look Photo Gallery

Smart Light Pole BTSs -an efficient environmentally friendly site solution for emerging markets
Traditionally, the base station sites have been built with tower structures that can take large footprint, shelters housing active equipment such as base stations and transmission units as well as power system. In hot climates it is common to install two air conditioner units that take turns cooling the shelter down to the favorable temperature for batteries, and when needed, for base stations and transmission units. Where as Smart Sites are typically based on outdoor site design for minimal CAPEX and OPEX. This eliminates the cost of shelters and air conditioners, reduces the site footprint
and power consumption. These equipment are designed with inbuilt MW solutions for connectivity.
  • Reduce site rentals and maintenance costs,
  • Easier installation – simpler and faster deployment with flexible installation options, suitable for multi-operator sharing.
  • Environmentally friendly –  lower electricity billslower and  carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy systems and fewer materials used for the tower.
  • Lower CAPEX – A smaller site footprint and associated construction materials requirements

Smart Light Pole BTS- how They Look Photo Gallery

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