To Simplify  mobile customer Plan/Tariff/STV selection difficulties and to bring some uniformity in PLANS/TARIFFS/STVs across all the Operator Trai  issued Folowing Guidelines On 6 th of JAN 2012.
BSNL is implementing all these guidelines today.
What trai says is..When you visit a mobile shop to buy a new connection what you get is

1.Start up kit -Will contain only the SIM with no rate plan attached

2.Plan voucher-The Plan Voucher shall be used for enrolling a consumer into a tariff plan. A new consumer or an existing consumer can be enrolled into a tariff plan only through this Voucher.

3.Topup voucher-The Top Up Voucher shall contain only monetary value in  rupees and such monetary value shall be without any restrictions in terms of validity period or usage.

4.Special Tariff Voucher-“STV” could alter one or more items of applicable tariff in the consumer tariff plan in terms of limited or unlimited usage of voice calls, SMS or data but does not provide any talk value. The validity of the STV shall not exceed ninety days.


The Plan Voucher will have a red colour band,
the Top Up Voucher a green colour band
and the Special Tariff Voucher a yellow colour band.

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